
Block cipher
Block cipher

block cipher

We have demonstrated through the performance evaluation that proposed protocols have less computation complexities due to the utilization of light weight cryptography operations. The accomplishment of the security goals (i.e., secrecy, authentication, and message freshness) of the proposed protocols have been proven through formal (Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications (AVISPA), Burrows–Abadi–Needham logic) and informal analysis. Further, the protocols are resistant to forgery, modification, impersonation, and man-in-the-middle attacks, etc. Research Findings: The messages exchanged in all the 3 proposed protocols are secured to prevent unauthorized access to information.The protocols used Elliptic Curve Qu-Vanstone (ECQV) based implicit certificates, commit/open pair, Diffie Hellman key exchange algorithm, and lightweight cryptography primitives such as hash, XOR, etc. We have proposed 3 robust and lightweight mutual authentication and key agreement protocols for diverse applications of IoT.

block cipher

Research Approach: The research carried out intends to protect the wireless networksįrom adversarial threats.But the challenge lies in designing a mutual authentication and secret key exchange protocol with less computation and communication complexities for resource-constrained IoT networks while ensuring security and privacy in all aspects. These threats can be thwarted by verifying the authenticity of the nodes before establishing a session, and secret key negotiation. In addition, collecting individual’s data can pose a serious privacy threat for the users. Moreover, in several applications, as there is no infrastructure available, an attacker can counterfeit devices to control the IoT network, and/or to collect the individuals’ data over the public network. These public networks opened enormous ways for the illegitimate nodes to access the information and take control over the IoT networks despite being physically away.

block cipher

  • Research Problem: Although IoT is beneficial but dangerous as the nodes communicate.
  • Likewise, smart cities use IoT to optimize operations across the city such as waste and traffic management, water supply management, and pollution monitoring, etc. The IoT is rapidly adopted by the various industries for faster data accessibility and control of machines remotely by managers.
  • Research Area: The Internet of Things (IoT) technology has emerged as the leader in simplifying lives.

  • Block cipher