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Yard sales near lock haven pa

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Offerors are required to secure a complete copy of the request for proposal from the District offi ce at the above-mentioned address.

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Copies of the request for proposal will be available after 9:00 A.M. Upon review of proposals and award of contract, proposals will become public knowledge to anyone who submits a request. Proposals will be held in strict confi dence until reviewed and a contractor selected. Proposals received after the receipt deadline will not be accepted. At time of opening, the proposals will be acknowledged, but will not be read aloud nor any prices, etc. Mark Stamm, Superintendent of Schools, East Lycoming School District, 349 Cemetery Street, Hughesville, PA 17737. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE EAST LYCOMING SCHOOL DISTRICT WILL RECEIVE SEALED PROPOSALS for a guaranteed energy savings contract until Septemat 1:00 pm local prevailing time at the District’s administrative offi ce, to the attention of and located at: Dr.

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Full RFPQ available at /rfqp or by calling 570.326.0587. Optional briefi ng session will be held 9:00AM, Friday, Sat STEP, 2138 Lincoln Street, Wmspt, PA 17701. Packages received after the RFQP is closed will not be accepted. One original copy of the qualifi cation package must be received by STEP on or before 4:00PM Friday, Sat STEP, INC., 2138 Lincoln St, Wmspt, PA 17701, Attn: Rachelle Abbott. Chosen Subcontractor/s will be issued an agreement for a 5-year term. In connection with its contract with PA DCED, STEP is seeking responses to this RFQP from contractors interested in providing weatherization services. REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS AND PROPOSALS. LYCOMING-CLINTON COUNTIES COMMISSION FOR COMMUNITY ACTION (STEP), INC. East Lycoming School District By: Heather N. Burke, Business Manager, at or before 10:00am, local prevailing time, on September 20, 2022, when they will be publicly opened for Wood Chip Fuel Bid in accordance with the Bid Document which interested persons may obtain at the offi ces of the East Lycoming School District, 349 Cemetery Street, Hughesville, PA 17737, (570) 584-2131, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. REQUEST FOR BIDS The East Lycoming School District requests sealed bids, at its administrative offi ces at 349 Cemetery Street, Hughesville, PA 17737, addressed to the attention of Heather N. Don’t Waste Your Advertising Dollars Nothing Works For You Like Webb Weekly and Direct Mail! Call Jaimie at 57 NOTICES

Yard sales near lock haven pa